When the article came out that Vice-President Pence would only eat meals alone with his wife, there has been a firestorm of responses to how unrealistic and even archaic this practice is (Billy Graham had even more strict safeguards in place). Some people have expressed that because of their jobs it … Continue Reading
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4 Questions to Develop Safeguards for Your Marriage
When the article came out that Vice-President Pence would only eat meals alone with his wife, there has been a firestorm of responses to how unrealistic and even archaic this practice is (Billy Graham had even more strict safeguards in place). Some people have expressed that because of their jobs it … Continue Reading

3 Ways to Show Respect to Your Husband
How many people remember Rodney Dangerfield? His famous line was “I don’t get no respect.” Many men feel just as Mr. Dangerfield said that he did. I have heard that in my office on many occasions. Even recently as a wife was telling me how she was all alone and that she had to face parenting, … Continue Reading

5 Ways to Earn Respect in Your Marriage
“I can’t get my husband to do anything around the house!” “All my husband does is sit around watching TV while I work in the kitchen or try to help the kids with their homework.” “I work, too, you know. Why don’t you ever help me with the work that has to be done in the house?” “My husband … Continue Reading