Confession is good for the soul, right? Well, here it goes. Hello, my name is Brad and I’m a goal setter. I love setting goals. Every year around this time I start thinking about goals that I would like to accomplish for the coming year. I get all excited about the different goals and I start well. But…
As I look at my life, there are areas of my life that are really on track. I feel that I am accomplishing what I have set out to do. Oh, I know that I can still improve but over all, I am doing fairly well.
But there are other areas that I know that I need to make some changes in order to improve in those areas.
Using the proper measuring tools, we are able to collect the important data and make adjustments in order to improve in that area.
Here is such measuring tool: Michael Hyatt’s LifeScore Assessment Tool.
It is free and it only takes a few minutes (probably less than 10). After you answer questions in the different areas of your life, you will be given a score.
Why don’t you take the time now to go to the link and take the assessment? I don’t believe you have anything to lose but you can gain a great deal.
I know that I will be using the information in this tool to help me develop the areas of my life that need attention so that I can have a great year in 2017.